The process of getting an app or automation built varies based on the size of the project. But in general, there are four main phases. The first is pre-development, during this phase we determine the requirements of your project and come to an agreement on what Power Platypus IT will provide for you. The second phase is development, after your requirements our defined we will get to work building your solution. The third phase is deployment, when the solution will be made available for you to use. The fourth phase is post-deployment and support. After we deploy your solution, you are given the opportunity to use the apps and automations we have built for you and verify the functionality. Power Platypus IT is also able to provide ongoing support after this post-deployment phase if it is desired.
The pre-development phase usually begins with a short meeting. We will discuss your needs and determine if they are a good fit for what Power Platypus IT has to offer. After this we will work together to iron out exactly what your requirements are and discuss the features/functionality you need and want. With this defined we will create a custom proposal for you, together we will then come to an agreement on pricing and timelines.

The development phase is where we will do the bulk of the work on your project. You will get regular updates throughout development, and we may occasionally seek clarifying information from you. At the end of the development phase, we will provide a demo of the solution to ensure our execution matches your vision.
Deployment occurs after you agree that the developed solution meets your requirements. Typically, you will not owe any money until this phase. We will work with you on deploying the solution into your environment and getting it ready for you to use. This is typically done during a video call or, if possible, an in-person session.

After your solution is deployed it will enter a period of what we call hypercare. While in hypercare we are available to quickly respond to any issues that may arise. The project is complete after this hypercare period.
Power Platypus IT can also provide ongoing support for your solution. You can purchase a package of support hours along with your solution or choose to receive support on an ad-hoc basis. Support hours can also be used to add additional features or functionality to your solution.
Of course, every project is unique, and we will adapt this process to meet the needs of your situation. We are always happy to answer any questions you may have! We would love to discuss your needs and want you to know initial meetings are always free and come with no obligation. We can also answer many questions via email or chat, do not hesitate to reach out!